Wow, What a nasty surprise - Loved it!!
11 October 2015
Firstly, the reviewer who rated 1 star should be ashamed of themselves, that's absolutely ridiculous, and should be deleted. He seems to suggest that it's no good because he wasn't scared out of his mind, why does that make a good film good, a mild scare is fine for me thanks very much!

I tuned in expecting be disappointed within minutes at the poor quality, storyline/ whatever, as with all other similar looking movies, but, something kept me going and I was soon hooked. I'm really difficult to please & don't really like 'small' films, I think I've been 'damaged' by big budget special effects & expect too much now, but this movie manages to pull it off, or should I say movies, as they're all totally indie films, sewn together with a VHS plot device.

They're all short & to the point, so before you've even a chance of being bored you're on to the next one, and pretty much everyone leaves you wanting more.

Only pass for me was 'Masochist' with the kids at the fairground.

Stand out was the Spanish one at the end - Wow! Amazing feel & production values, this team is Hollywood ready, expect more great things from them.

I liked this so much, I'm gonna watch again - unheard of ;-)
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