Intense Horror that will linger long after the closing credits
9 November 2015
From the opening scene there is an intense pace that never lets up even though your gut tells you to turn away from the screen. The film opens with a call girl and grisly murder that starts the movie off with special effects so life like its almost a documentary of a deranged killer on the loose. This is a chilling experience of how fragile these ladies of the night are as well as their efforts to combat this individual while supporting and looking out for each other. This film is considered a "new horror classic" and has been hailed by critics and fans as the top Independent horror film of 2015. No doubt disturbing and graphic this movie never slows down. The unexpected ending will leave you with a memory no other film this year will duplicate. Be prepared for gore and nudity. The original soundtrack emotes a dark and creepy effect and adds to the edginess of the story. It is unlike anything you have seen before. WOW!
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