Patrick Bateman and the Music Industry
14 November 2015
I did not know a great deal about Kill Your Friends, didn't even say a trailer. If you are planning to see this movie then don't because what results is a shocking lock into the life of a failing music producer and the lengths he will take to become a success in a harsh industry. A pitch black comedy with a story that was actually a lot more interesting than it sounds.

Nicolas Hoult takes on the lead role, which was the first thing that worried me. The guy is a brilliant actor and in my opinion was the definitive standout as Nux in this summer's Mad Max Fury Road, but its very rare, if ever that we see him in a lead role. In this film, he takes the role and makes it his own which turns out is a very good thing because he made this movie about half of what was enjoyable. From the title you know that this guy is on the edge and could snap at any moment and Hoult makes this so believable. We also get a smaller role from a drugged up James Corden which felt so weird but so right. Every scene we see him in he is snorting cocaine and doing things his regular persona on TV wouldn't dream of. So props to Corden for managing to actually pull this off.

My absolute favourite thing about this movie however, is the soundtrack. We open with Blur's Beetlebum and if you know me you'll know im a real sucker for Britpop so i was happy to hear this and other artists i grew up with throughout including Oasis. The film explores different types of music perfectly,so i can say i am satisfied with that aspect. The black comedy aspect was slightly in your face at times with a police officer character in particular who is so dumb that you just question why he is even on this case, but then you figure out sort of why he is oblivious to this, whether or not intentional by the filmmakers.

Overall, a good British film which deserves more attention than it is getting. I can see where negative reviews may come from especially since the graphic violence sort of comes at you out of nowhere at first. But i recommend seeing this one, don't listen to the terrible reviews and judge for yourself.
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