Review of Self/less

Self/less (2015)
Great Premise, Failed Execution
10 December 2015
I typically prefer to write reviews for movies that have less than 10 user reviews, so people can know what they are in for when deciding to spend their time and money on a less well known flick. I find user reviews infinitely more valuable and telling than so called "professional critic reviews". Users factor in the enjoyment experience much more accurately than the pros. In fact I am surprised pro critics even exist with the power of the internet to unite users. Self/less was a wide release and has many reviews, but I decided to write a review because I felt misled by my fellow users and their suggestions to overlook the low rating and give the movie a watch.

When a trailer does not excite me, it is always a red flag. How can you not make any movie look exciting in two minutes? I'm always flabbergasted at poor trailers. I can recall seeing many great trailers for poorly executed movies, so I'm always surprised when a trailer is failure and when I saw the trailer for this movie I felt as if it was boring summary of the movie. I immediately flagged this as a pass.

A few days ago I was reading the list of scripts on the black list and came across this title. The original script must have been terrific. Then I thought Ben Kingsley is in it so maybe it has some value. And after reading user reviews like give it a chance, great premise and ignore the low rating - I said why not.

I am very patient with movies and always try to give the benefit of the doubt, even if I don't fully understand what the director was trying to do. But man did this movie disappoint. I am very surprised at the user comments. I thought Ben did a great job, but he has a very minor part. Ryan does not seem enthusiastic about the role he is cast in. You know he doesn't need the money, so maybe the script really was great and the director fumbled it. Or maybe Ryan is going through movie fatigue. He seems to be in quite a few these days. Maybe it is time he started being more selective.

I think I may have gone off on a slight tangent, but I want someone who decides to spend his time and money on this to know what to expect. The premise is unique, but the movie stumbles in execution and the performances. The set pieces are not even that great. If you are going to have lethargic performances and boring, low stakes action at least have awesome fight scenes. This would be a pass for me. Not even an attempt at a crazy plot twist. Very straightforward. Instead, read the wiki plot review if you are curious about the movie's story. But I bet you will guess the obvious, unsatisfactory ending after the first few lines.
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