Should Have Been Called "Young Girls Wanted"
29 December 2015
I say it should have been called "Young Girls Wanted" because what enabled the objects of this film to make money in the adult industry was definitely not their looks, but their ages.

Hot girls Wanted is an interesting (albeit skewed) documentary about one very small aspect of the adult industry. HGW focuses on a few girls who go off to a flop house in FL to take advantage of the money available to them via making adult videos. The film focuses in on just one or two of these girls, thus giving you an extremely myopic look at what is arguably the biggest, most lucrative industry in history. While you couldn't possible get a feel (pun intended) for the adult industry by following even a hundred or a thousand talents around, just how much can you expect to learn from following a few? And these few are rock bottom amateurs being managed by a rock bottom amateur.

I find it amusing how people rectify capitalism with instances of it where other people are making money doing things that they a) don't like, b) wouldn't do themselves, and/or c) wouldn't want family doing. Seems to me that the phrase "they're being taken advantage of" or "they're being manipulated" comes in quite handy to folks who can't grapple with the fact that quite often, what makes money valuable is that it gets people to do stuff they normally wouldn't do. Maybe it's a plumber who deals with feces on a daily basis, maybe it's the person that's flipping burgers for minimum wage, or maybe it's someone exhibiting sexual behavior on film. And while I'm certain there are people who do all of these jobs and love doing them, the fact is that most are doing it for the money. You could make the same movie and title it "Plumbers Wanted" or "Short Order Cooks Wanted." Either would make the exact same point.

But of course we have the double standard that sex is all at once wonderful and special, but at the same time "bad" to do for money. Please do this little thought experiment... Imagine that there are no more STDs, and that people are able to control their ability to breed 100%. No one ever gets sick, and no one ever gets pregnant (or impregnates someone) if they don't want to. Now ask yourself if it's OK for people (your wife, kid, etc...) to work in this industry. If the answer is "no" then you have some deep thinking to do.

As far as the "morality" of adult content in and of itself, I will offer this... If you wouldn't condone your wife, daughter, mother, son, neighbor, anybody doing it, then you ought not be watching/consuming it.

And I loved the puppy:)
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