Review of Deadpool

Deadpool (2016)
Just non stop jokes that mainly fall flat (NO Spoilers)
16 February 2016
First off, I do not read comics so I do not know the source material, I am not a fan-boy of Marvel or DC I just want to see entertaining movies, I may be in the minority at least during it's first week of being in theaters but I wanted to write a review to warn others what Deadpool is like.

The movie is honestly a nonstop exercise in profanity with a lot of sex jokes and masturbation jokes especially. I am fine with low brow humor when it is funny. The writers just seem to have Reynolds throw out as many wisecracks as possible and hope that some are funny. I think anyone over 30 will be bored with the jokes. There is nothing that offends me from hearing all these jokes but rather bores me because the lack of humor. It is very much like having to listen to some teen kids try to show off by using non stop profanity only to realize they are just making themselves look dumb.

The plot is nothing more than a simple background (origins) story and it is run of the mill. The movie has a lot of violence but nothing creative. The movie is very similar to Super and the Kick Ass movies. However, those movies were superior to Deadpool on every level IMO. The movie also reminds me of the Vacation remake. The 2015 remake of vacation was pretty much one raunchy joke after another but they are not funny.

This movie may just be better for younger audiences but I still feel the 30 and up demographics are not going to find this to be a very good movies unless they are a fan of the source material.

I give it a 2 out of 10. It gets an 2 instead of 1 only because Morena Baccarin was a side character. She did the best she could with the limited material.

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