Reaper (I) (2014)
Flawed and mostly bland non-horror crime drama
18 February 2016
Following a score of strange incidents, a group of criminals hiding out at a reclusive hotel find their troubled hitchhiker target is the least of their problems when a supernatural being begins taking out everybody one-by-one.

This here was quite the bland and overall uninteresting effort. The biggest issue here holding this one back is the fact that so much of what happens here is just not that interesting or enjoyable, which is mainly due to how this one starts off. The majority of the first half here is dedicated to thoroughly uninteresting by being more of a lame crime/drama rather than straight-forward horror film. By focusing on her troubled life-style and willingness to utilize her femininity to get the drop on both guys which allows her to continue being such a tease to everyone makes for such an overly bland offering. Hardly anything about this section works well in determining this one as being much of a horror film with the three different plot lines coming into play here that makes this one drag out the horror elements which come so late into the film that there's little opportunities for horror elements even before taking those elements on throughout the rather extended series of stalking scenes in here. These are just so overlong that it ends up really ruining the few attacks at slasher rhythms with the fact that the killer is so underdeveloped and completely clueless about his origins that he's quite unimposing long before having his first appearance pop up in the second half of this one. Still, once it does get into some of the more involved sequences here this one becomes quite a bit of fun with the fact that there's some genuinely fun sequences in here, from the rather tense stalking done in the middle of the hotel where the crackling bolts of electricity that signify its presence burst into the middle of the scene and make for a creepy time as it begins stalking the unwary groups still in the midst of their petty arguing and allowing for some tense moments, as well as the final confrontation in the church which has some creepy moments. Along with some fine action in the different races to get to safety throughout here, there's some fun to be had but it's mostly pretty flawed.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and drug use.
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