Paranormal Lockdown (2016– )
This show is all the best things about paranormal investigation television.
7 March 2016
There is so much to enjoy about Paranormal Lockdown. From the opening credits, I was hooked. Not only is the song haunting, but the images are so beautifully stylistic that you can't help but be ushered into the world this show is creating. If you're a fan of paranormal investigation, you've no doubt watched other shows where you squint into the grainy, green hued night vision, desperately trying to make out shadows and anomalies. Paranormal Lockdown has taken this to the next level with their crystal clear 6K cameras. The images are so crisp and bright that it took me a couple of minutes to realize I was looking at night vision images. And I haven't even gotten to the best part yet. Nick and Katrina are two of my favorite P.I.'s. I thoroughly enjoyed their past work on Ghost Adventures and Paranormal State respectively. I was so pleased with their on screen chemistry and the no-fuss, non-gimmicky style that they established right off the bat. This show is about paranormal investigation and documenting legitimate evidence. It's as clear and simple as that. And it's really fun to watch. Looking forward to many more episodes and lots of new groundbreaking evidence!
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