Santa Sangre (1989)
4 points for originality and some successful imagery
23 March 2016
I thrive on unconventional, personal cinema. I adore Bunuel, Lynch, Greenaway, E. Elias Merhiges' "Begotten" and almost anything that steers away from the cookie-cutter variety of film-making. This film however, and Jodorowsky's work in general, is difficult for me to sit through and find enjoyment. Perhaps I would have appreciated it more if the overall quality and acting had been better. The ideas and situations are outrageous, crazy and certainly more original than anything I can think of but the audio/visual quality, horrible acting and extremely low budget look of this film prevented me from appreciating it in any way. I'm much more impressed with the low budget film "Begotten" where the low quality is one of the main attributes of this films power. I feel that this is where Jodorowski fails. He has not been able to use his limited budget to greatest effect.
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