Paranormal Lockdown (2016– )
What crap.....oooooooh, I'm scared!
26 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Another example of the "dumbing" down of America. This silly program, like all the rest of this genre that clogs the television networks today, is patently ridiculous. It presents itself as a series of real events. Real knocks, bangs, sounds, voices, messages, goosebumps and cold spots all caused by "spiritual entities". It's all shown with "scientific"panache. They use tiny recorders and a plethora of other "machines" that are presented as capturing the existence of "real" spirits of dead people. What "real" B.S..

Any contemporary person with a modicum of intelligence and education should look at such superstitious clap trap with a wary eye. I would really enjoy these programs as they are generally peopled with interesting actor types who are somehow connected to the "spirits" they are trying to communicate with. In the case of PL the 2 "professional" spook seekers come with extensive resumes of successful "ghost hunting" These shows are surprisingly well made with resonably interesting camera work and appropriately spooky music. However.....They pass this stuff off as totally "REAL" Hogwash!!!

I say enjoy Pararnormal Lockdown for what it is........entertaining FANTASY! Have a good time. Rating: Fantasy show, 7/10, as real paranormal experiences 2/10.
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