29 May 2016
Based on a video game, I was interested in watching this film because I remembered playing it as a kid. I didn't really know that there was a story behind the game, but it felt a bit nostalgic to watch. However, I don't remember much of the game, and so thought the story itself to be very average and not that interesting. A typical narrative of boy admires hero, who then doesn't turn out to be what he expects.

The characters aren't that well developed either. We only get a bit of background into Ratchet and Dr. Nefarious' characters, but other than them, we know nothing of the others. We know how Clank came to be, but it isn't explained why a malfunctioned robot would act the way he does. As well, Ratchet always seem to be a little unmotivated and the reasoning for this isn't clear.

The animation is cute though, and the weird creatures do provide some comedic relief. There are quite a few funny scenes as well, but not enough to keep you fully engaged in the narrative. In addition, action scenes are brief, and could have been longer to create more suspense.

On the whole, I think the film speaks more towards the fans of the video game. As I can't remember much of the game, I found this film fun for little kids perhaps, but not for me. It isn't such a bore to watch, but I would not recommend others watch this unless they have small children or are fans of the game.
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