A good-hearted jab at corporate America
17 June 2016
A lot of the charm in "The Secret of My Success" is on its cheesiness; not just the logical stretches in the story, but also in tits unashamedly '80s-ness (the songs, the fashions, the sitcom synth). All of this is just fine by me, but you do have to be willing to just go with it.

Everything here rests on the shoulders of Michael J. Fox, trying to make it big from the bottom rung. His charade (wearing 100 hats at once) is where the movie pushes it, but it's also where he shines. His physical comedy is tip-top and he has the boyish charm to pull it off. The first boardroom scene (for me) is the movie's funniest; Fox is run ragged, the abuse that Davis takes is hilarious, everything's working in harmony.

It's not until Mercedes Ruehl shows up later in a bit part that the movie is really funny . . . but it's still an enjoyable movie regardless.

And just try to imagine this with someone else in the lead. Can't be done, I say.

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