Review of The BFG

The BFG (2016)
A "gigantic" letdown
6 July 2016
So five years ago I was in fourth grade my class read this book and I loved it, so when I heard that Steven Spielberg would be directing a movie, I got pretty excited. Finally I am walking out of the theater with my head hung low, this disappointed me on so many ways. Let me begin by saying that the main character Sophie, has absolutely no character development.The opening scene is when the BFG abducts her. It takes about 4 minutes for that to happen and doesn't take the time to introduce much about Sophie. I was trying to not let that bother me too much. But it is never explained why the BFG truly took her to giant country. It made no sense. My biggest issue with this movie is that it really has no plot. There is no conflict or problem needed to be solved. The final 30 minutes finally have something happening, but it is so poorly done and randomly included. I should give it credit for the character of the BFG being exactly like the book which was cool. And most of the things done in the movie were closely like the book. And the scene with the queen was fun and enjoyable. But other than that this movie is incredibly slow and dull. All my family fell asleep I was the only one who stayed awake to watch the entire thing. There are some really childish moments that someone under 5 would laugh at. I'm sorry, I truly apologize but this movie is not that good. If you loved the book it would disappoint you, like it did to me. If you really want to see this movie just wait for the DVD to come out.
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