Cabin Fever (2016)
Like it or not it's one of the best films you'll ever see rated 3 on IMDb
11 July 2016
Boy oh boy do people hate remakes. This 'Cabin Fever' remake has a rating of 3.7 on IMDb which is exceedingly low, usually saved for only the most vile, terrible and unwatchable films you could imagine. Is it a bad film? No. Is it a remake? Indeed. I would go out on a limb to say over half the people who have rated the film haven't even seen it, and have simply come to the page and clicked '1' in protest of the film even being made at all.

I don't believe it's fair to hate a film simply because it is a remake. Judge it on what it is and what, if anything, it adds to the original is how I look at it. I enjoyed this one. The original was Eli Roth's welcoming party to the horror genre. In his first film he already had more style, flair and class than most horror movie directors achieve at any point in their careers. The remake, admittedly working with Roth's original script, keeps a lot of that flair and adds a few nice touches of its own. A few characters are tweaked, some death scenes are changed (for the better in my opinion) and yet the core of what made the original great stays in tact.

This is quite a strange case where the original had its second sequel come out only 2 years ago and yet here we are with a reboot almost at the same time. It's no secret Hollywood is very short of ideas, and a consequence of that is we are going to see more and more reboots and sequels as the years go on. My advice is roll with the punches and see the good side of it, which is that people who would otherwise have never been familiar with the original will now become aware of its existence. Is a 'Hostel' reboot next? I won't lie, I'd actually get very excited if that was announced.
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