An HONEST review
16 July 2016
This is an average to marginally above average movie. Melissa McCarthy is hit or miss for me, but she does well here. Kristen Wiig is always good, McKinnon and Jones both shine and Chris Hemsworth delivers as well. Everyone makes the best of the given material, which is not always great. The banter is good, but the characters can be one-note. Hemsworth is dumb, we get it. He has a few really funny lines, but "dumb" is his entire character. Jones has the same one-note problem. McKinnon was my favorite, she brought a sort of Bill Murray quality of not taking the plot seriously. Overall I LOVE that they had an all female cast for a summer action-comedy and I think they got the right actresses for it. However, the overall plot left something to be desired. I would have liked them to explore the main villain a bit more. I get that the joke is that he's a whiny, entitled guy but it would have liked to see him really overreact to rejection. They also don't really bust a lot of ghosts in this movie. They catch maybe one before the climax.

So like I said, the acting and line-to-line dialogue was good but the overall writing doesn't really stick. It's entertaining. Don't listen to the original Ghostbusters fanboys who dedicated their time to destroying this movies IMDb rating.
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