Dirty Grandpa (2016)
A raunchy comedy film that tries too hard.
16 July 2016
Dirty Grandpa (2016) is a raunchy comedy film that tries too hard. I went into this movie expecting it to be utter garbage. While it wasn't completely horrible, the film was very frustrating. The best part of the movie was definitely Robert De Niro. Zac Efron was remarkably unfunny and I found him to be extremely annoying. Aubrey Plaza was also very disappointing and she didn't bring much to the film. But for me personally, I found the character played by Jason Mantzoukas to be the most irritating person throughout the movie. His character was stale,repetitive, and every line of dialogue he said fell flat. The plot was nothing special, and it was fairly standard. The same story structure has been done before, and this film did nothing to improve upon it. The biggest detriment to this film is that it goes out of the way to make dirty jokes. I have no problem with dirty jokes, it's just that film is making these dirty jokes just to be raunchy. The jokes have no real set up, and they are essentially vulgar for the sake of being vulgar. Many of the jokes will be forgotten within a few hours.'Dirty Grandpa' isn't the worst comedy of the year, it is just very underwhelming.
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