You Don't Know Jack (2010 TV Movie)
Enjoyable Drama, Albeit Light on Compelling Story Telling,
22 July 2016
You Don't Know Jack is a good TV movie with a reasonably well developed plot and a stellar cast. The performances are certainly what holds it all together, Al Pacino shows that he's still got it as he portrays the controversial doctor Jack Kevorkian, who fought for patients right to end it all. He is joined by a top notch supporting cast that are for or against this case, such as John Goodman and Susan Sarandon.

The film is very biased towards Kevorkian's views, we do not get the hear the other side enough, which would have been very effective. This would have aloud the audience to form their own opinion on this real life situation, instead of being forced to view one side.

It fails to be compelling, it never takes any risks, there are no big moments that engross us in to this story and truly bring it to life, I felt underwhelmed by the end. Terrific cast and an interesting true story, You Don't Know Jack may not be anything special, but it is worth the watch if you are looking for a good drama.

A former doctor turned activist fights for peoples rights to be put down if they can no longer cope with the suffering of an illness.

Best Performance: Al Pacino
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