Funny, Fast Paced, and Action-Packed
23 July 2016
Star Trek: Beyond is here, and it is truly unlike any other Star Trek movie you've ever seen. Directed by Justin Lin, who directed four entries in the Fast and Furious franchise, the film continues on the more fast paced and slightly bombastic feel of the rebooted franchise. Star Trek: Beyond is often funny, fast paced and action packed, and features a cool new villain. The film is also co- written by Simon Pegg, and thus has a lot more moments of humor, sometimes resembling the Marvel mold more than Star Trek.

Star Trek films have historically been inconsistent when it comes to humor, some like Star Trek: The Voyage Home or Star Trek (2009) have been very funny, and some like Star Trek: Wrath of Khan, forwent humor for seriousness. This film may just be the funniest Star Trek film yet, because it's not quite as silly as some of the other films, but manages to have a lot of good quips. The film's sense of humor is most likely a product of Simon Pegg co-writing the film, and that has proved to be a great decision. It should be stated that the humor does make Star Trek: Beyond feel slightly more like a summer blockbuster than a Star Trek film, and they are different.

Star Trek Beyond is structured slightly more like an action film, as the pacing grows in tempo until the end of the film when it culminates in a big finale. This is more consistent with the pacing of the rebooted franchise, however the film never quite elevates like the previous two films did. The action sequences in this film are very good, which comes as no surprise given that Lin, who is experienced in shooting action sequences was in the helm. One surprise of this film was the villain character, Krall.

The rebooted franchise of Star Trek movies has done an amazing job forming well-rounded villains. The villain in this film feels weak at the beginning, but as the film progresses his motives become more clear. Both Nero and Khan were good villains, and while Krall isn't as well rounded he is a serviceable villain. That being said the other characters in the film aren't very well developed, besides Captain Kirk, who is given some development.

All-in-all this is probably the weakest of the rebooted franchise in my opinion, but that doesn't mean it's not a good movie, it is. Star Trek Beyond is very entertaining, fast paced, action-packed, funny, and has a very good villain. The film is a very good time at the theaters, and is fairly family friendly, for those who love summer blockbusters this is a perfect summer movie for you.
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