Exposed (III) (2016)
A muddled mess of a film that had potential.
10 August 2016
Exposed (2016) is a muddled mess of a film that had potential. Studio interference can absolutely ruin a movie. The writer and director of 'Exposed',Gee Malik Linton, removed his directorial credit after the studio re-edited his movie. The film wasn't even supposed to be called 'Exposed', the original title was 'Daughter of God'.The "director" of this film is listed as Declan Dale, who is not even a real person. You know a film must be bad when the director publicly disowns it. But I personally think that the film still would have been bad without studio interference. The director had complete creative control while filming, it was just out of his control when it came to how the film was edited. The story wasn't interesting, the acting wasn't consistent, and there were just some laughably bad moments throughout the film. Without spoiling anything, the plot line with the "mysterious figure" was astonishingly bad. Every time the "mysterious figure" showed up, I found myself shaking my head. Just the design of the figure is cringe-worthy enough. Also, the film just ends abruptly, without any resolution. 'Exposed' is an absolute mess, and I blame both the director and the studio.
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