Fun and highly enjoyable sequel
5 October 2016
Trying to complete their day's work, the cast and crew of a low- budget horror movie finds that the budget and crew problems are the least of their worries when the killer doll appears looking to transfer his soul into a new host and forces them to fight him off.

This one here was quite the impressive and truly fun sequel. What really gives this one quite a lot to really enjoy here is the fact that it really goes overboard with the concept of the utterly-cheesy film-studio doing a new movie-shoot of their newest cheese-filled projects. Not only is the type of film being made look quite fun as the opening shoot showing the low-rent dolls materializing and the different cheesy effects coming into play with the whole conjuring up the supernatural feel here being the perfect start to this one generating the kind of start this one really needs, and that indeed comes to pass with the rest of the film as the different scenes showing them going around the different film-shoots around the studio come off as a wholly fantastic example of the cheesiness typical of the film. Getting backstage and going into the different encounters with the group during filming makes for some really enjoyable times here with the cheap, cheesy atmosphere finding itself improving the tone incredibly well and works as the rather fun doll appears and continues to spout the wisecracks here which really gives this one a fun atmosphere. That leads strongly into the film's rather goofy and silly stalking scenes which are quite fun and enjoyable as this one features some strong scenes of it appearing in the dressing room to off the worker there, an incredibly chilling sequence where it goes after the couple in the bathroom and the later scene of it gorily attacking the prop-master which is the film's goriest death and manages to really hold the best part of the film. Likewise, the big action-packed finale where there's the rather overblown special effects work that brings about the other dolls' resurrection and leads into the rather impressive final chapter which is highly enjoyable as it makes for the perfect action-packed, cheesy ending to this type of effort, and along with the fine effects work done here on the titular character gives this one the amount of positives to really make this one hold up. The one real flaw that holds this one back is the rather curious and unnecessary element here of featuring the twist involving the one main character late in the film which is really not that part of the film. It really didn't need to be here and really gives this one quite a disappointing ending with the way it turns everything around when it wasn't necessary to do that and could've worked fine the way it was. It's goofiness might be something that can hold it back for some, but on the whole it's not the biggest detriment to this one.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and sexual scenes.
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