Jeruzalem (2015)
A bland horror movie that is hard to sit through
16 October 2016
JeruZalem (2016) is a bland horror movie that is hard to sit through. While terrible as a whole, the movie did present some interesting concepts. It is shot in a found-footage style, with Google Glass. The film is also set in the city of Jerusalem. I have never seen a horror movie that takes place in that historic city. But alas, none of these concepts matter when compared to the horrendous acting, silly dialogue,and idiotic characters.Speaking of idiotic characters, I wanted every single one of them to die. There was nobody to root for. I didn't sympathize with a single character. The attempts at trying to scare the audience failed, everything was laid out and predictable. Even the attempts at humor were uninspired. I at least liked all the Dad jokes throughout the film. There is also supposed to be some sort of "social commentary" about the dangers of social media presented through the film. That message was completely muddled, and it wasn't pulled off efficiently. 'JeruZalem' had some unique aspects to it, but overall it's just terrible. Don't waste your time on this one.
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