Like a Tarantino film with the good parts removed
3 November 2016
This film looked promising until about halfway through, when it descended into mediocrity. The dialogue is poorly written, characters clichéd and action scenes predictable. If Tarantino had made it, it would at least have had good dialogue, but without that it is just a chore to watch.

Ethan Hawke plays a mystery man travelling with his dog through Texas to Mexico for some reason. Along the way he meets an array of unsavoury characters who insist on popping up again and again. You can predict their appearance well ahead of their arrival on screen every time. The dog is cute but performs so many cute tricks I wondered aloud if this was actually a kid's film. Nope, rated R. Shame really, since kids might not have seen all the various clichés 1000 times already and find this film more entertaining than I did.

If originality and creativity are not your thing, you might enjoy this film. Otherwise, proceed with lowered expectations.
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