Mars (2016–2018)
Relevant & Retro ... Both at the Same Time
15 November 2016
Was interested to see what Grazer & Howard helped create with this very noble, albeit relatively inexpensive mini-series narrative docudrama, perhaps, created to encourage a renewed interest in what used to be a very successful, highly-supported and admired, if not revered, space program made popular by NASA.

Certainly, the American public is not so adrenaline-addicted that it isn't capable of appreciating a normally- or slow-paced televised program such as MARS or RECTIFY. Episode 1 of any new series, mini- or otherwise, always has the challenge of putting enough story out there in an interesting, if not new, fashion, in order to attract a broad audience to tuning in to view an Episode 2.

I, personally, am not so spoiled that the presence of A-List Actors, overactive CGI or overly-creative sets-props-camera work (a la Abrams' new STAR TREK franchise) are necessary to keep me interested in a good story. After all, an actor's entire reason-to-be is simply to tell "a story".

I enjoyed the time-travel roller-coaster, as well as the real-fiction mash-up. That change-up was as interesting as the space fiction was evenly-paced. Diversity is important in all sorts of venues and mediums; most certainly in our electronic and digital viewing options.

A change-of-pace from 2016-styled television, where mystery and supernatural now run amok, denying viewers good, simple stories about boring and real Reality and Science.

Thanks National Geographic!
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