Want a honest review, read this
25 November 2016
I find it so frustrating to read review after review hailing these fringe movies and leading the movie goers astray. I've no financial interest in any of the movies I review, I tell it like it is for the typical movie goer with hope that my honest appraisal is what you are seeking.

Now to this movie.....Ti West wrote & directed this movie, so what! Who's he? My 11 year old grandson could of written as good a script as this want-a-be spaghetti western. If for any reason you are going to watch this movie because Ti West is involved just forget it, if this is an example of his movie making, maybe he should try another profession because good film making is NOT his thing.

Well what about the acting you ask? Terrible comes to mind, pathetic also fits in nicely. Whatever possessed John Travolta & Ethan Hawke to tie their wagon to this is beyond me. Both of those guys were better before, obviously they've either fallen on hard times and good roles don't come their way anymore or else they are broke and sold their acting soul for the almighty dollar. The entire cast over acts, maybe it's the writing, I think it's that deadly combination of terrible acting and even worst writing.

I love western movies, I'm always looking for good ones to watch. While the story was corny, the acting horrid, the dialog was stupid, and the out-come predictable, the movie was watchable. I did not fast forward any part of this one, I sat through it all right to the bitter end. I think the reason why I was able to endure this movie is only because I do like western movies and this one kind of fits the bill.

When you are deciding if you should watch this movie or not, I'm hopeful my review at least sets the table for you. Unless you are a die-hard western fan, I'd say take a serious pass on this want-to-be movie.
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