Martyrs (2008)
Honestly an extremely unsettling movie, albeit not a great one.
9 December 2016
Martyrs (2008) is honestly an extremely unsettling movie, albeit not a great one. I have to come clean and say this before I go into detail with my review: I am immensely conflicted about if I actually enjoyed this film or not. But there is one thing I cannot deny: how memorable it truly is. There are several scenes that have just been embedded into my brain for the past week. I just can't seem to shake off how jarring it was. To call it a hard watch is an understatement. I was legitimately freaked out to the point of where I had to pause the movie, leave, and then come back. The biggest problem I have has to do with the reason behind the final scene. I understand the way the plot was trying to go and what the director was trying to portray, but I still find it hardly justifiable. Overall, I think the ending is just over-the-top. As for the rest, the acting is solid, the directing is very reputable, but the writing is very shoddy. I would call 'Martyrs'a very well-made and haunting film that has some very questionable plot decisions.
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