A Nero Wolfe Mystery (2001–2002)
Television as it should be
16 December 2016
What can I say about the Nero Wolfe Mystery the Series; it was television as it should be; though it was more like dinner theater, honestly; excellent dinner theater. There was so much to love about this series; the plots the music the sets, and the costumes were first rate. The actors were superb and their occasionally over the top characterizations, fun and entertaining. This must have been fun for the actors as well; as an ensemble cast, the actors got to try on different characters, portrait different attitudes and experiment with different acting styles from episode to episode; no getting into an acting rut here.

Depending on the episode, the two main female characters, at least for my money, Kari Matchett and Francie Swift could be ladies, femmes fatales, sweet innocents, guileless victims of circumstance, broads, B-girls, ambitious entertainers murder victims or murderers; so, while the actress became pleasantly familiar; you had no idea what her character was capable of, no idea what shenanigans lay in her purse, hidden beneath her dress, or residing in her heart; no idea what possible evil was being concealed by her beautiful and illustrious eyes. Therefore, each wonderful week you're starting from scratch. If you ever listened to old time radio shows, much about this series would strike you as pleasantly familiar and soothing; like wrapping yourself in a warm comfortable blanket on a chilly night, and sipping hot coco from your favorite mug. For the life of me , I can't understand why this series only lasted two seasons; perhaps the production costs were too high; but my gut feeling is that the American viewer is so enamored with low brow fare they simply can't appreciate a quality show.
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