Hennessy (1975)
Sensitive And Not That Far Fetched
1 January 2017
Oh dear a Hollywood thriller featuring the Provisional IRA that was made at the height of the troubles . Let me guess whose side the film might be taking ? "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" you state with self righteous smugness . Well there's women and children being raped to death by Jihadists' in the Caliphate as I write this . Anyone consider them to be freedom fighters ? The only thing terrorists offer people is the freedom from freedom . But you can guarantee that Hollywood will delude themselves that if someone has an Irish accent , a Kalashnikov and a pile of semtex there's no way he can be classed as a "terrorist" , so imagine my surprise that I came across a very even handed portrayal of Irish terrorism

The plot is simple and features an Irishman Niall Hennessey whose wife and daughter are killed in a riot in Belfast and wants to take his revenge by blowing up the Queen's state opening of parliament . This is seen as a step too far by the Provisionals so set out to eliminate Hennessey

The idea of the IRA going after a rogue player however is not as far fetched as it seems . Sure it's all down to self preservation . As real life events would later prove the IRA's failed assassination plot of the Prime Minster and her cabinet in 1984 with the Brighton bombing destroyed any intermittent dialogue between the British government and the IRA for several years . Wipe out the Royal family and British government is just asking for trouble because the retaliation and fall out would totally alienate the Provos from any political carrots being offered so yes the motives and credibility as seen here ring absolutely true

HENNESSEY is a rather familiar thriller of one man finding himself alone and on the run from both sides but this isn't necessarily a criticism . When the film does make vaguely political statements then it does tie itself up a little bit . For example a news report states sectarian differences are put aside for the youths killed in the riot , but I can tell you a small minority of people living in Republican or Loyalist ghettos will never come together to remember the dead of the other side . Quite the reverse , it'd be a cause of celebration and much drinking . Sad but true

Rod Steiger is one of these actors whose talent far exceeds most of the films he's been in and HENNESSY is sort of mid table . It's not a role that screams Oscar nomination but at the same time he does give a rather understated performance and it's not often you see a film where the lead IRA man isn't played by some hunky man . Sean Bean , Richard Gere and Brad Pitt have all played IRA men so it's a nice change that the producers didn't think of getting Paul Newman or Robert Redford in the title role so let's be grateful for that

Oh and no review of this movie can be complete without saying "Some very good editing and the archive footage of the Queen blends so seamlessly in to the film you'd think she's actually been filmed onset as herself"
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