MacGyver: Large Blade (2017)
Season 1, Episode 13
lucky 13?
24 January 2017

Not long ago, I felt the writers had given up. When professionals are lifting material from 80's comedies for final scene material? Is that bad? ...It's not good! Now it appears the directors have followed suit.

Seriously, this episode wanders tediously close into Walker Texas Ranger territory of the one camera shot system: place a camera, even - at about eye level, and just keep it running for the entire episode... There are Long sequences of really tedious dialog, that (to me) appeared to be nothing more than complete exposition - buying time.

Great TV (or any media for that matter) NEVER buys time, which should be at a premium. The best TV is spare, where every second is needed, considered and properly produced. While Macgyver still remains watchable, this show is not improving - I'd argue it's moving in the wrong direction... from a dubious starting point.

Sandrine Holt apparently has been written out of her role, which again, is not a good sign. I thought she was far and away the best character on the show, simply because the writers told us less about her than anyone else on the cast. There was mystery there, and she has wonderful presence in front of the camera. But now she's gone, unless the writers decide she was part of a deep cover, double agent black ops that required her acts of treason... WAIT! that horrific story line might have already been used! My guess is Holt simply found a way out - this show is a disaster.

This episode also marks the introduction of Thorton's replacement Webber played by Meredith Eaton. Her casting perfectly fits this shows complete lack of commitment to tone. This is not a cheap shot toward Eaton, who I'm a fan of. Her casting worked perfectly in a show like Boston Legal, because that show chose (season 1) that it was a screwball comedy - that at times wandered into dramatic sequences. Macgyver has become a less than serious action show that wanders into screwball comedy.

At this point.. the only reason this show is Macgyver is because of the title sequence, and theme song... in every other way - this show has squandered the legacy from which it has drawn its very existence.
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