Fits for ages 12-15
1 February 2017
I went to see the movie as an accompanying adult with my little sister and her friends, who are all 13. The plot seemed promising at first. A kid born on Mars, that's a cool take on Martians, right?. That was not the case. About 30 minutes into the film, I started twitching in my seat, about how little sense it all made. Got worse the more it went on. In my opinion, it was a mediocre story built around a great initial idea. I can't rant without spoiling, so I'll just say that the love story is weak and develops too fast. The kids are supposed to be 16 in the film, yet the 22+ looking Britt Robertson makes Asa Butterfield look more 14 than 16. In my opinion, it's unrealistic and pointless to see unless you are into a super super easy watch and won't get disturbed by stuff like 3 inch thick see-through laptops 16 years into the future; 16-year-olds crashing a plane into a building and jumping off on the last minute before a great explosion like Bruce Willis in Die Hard; half the movie being 16-year-olds making out and stealing cars; and of course a super predictable ending.
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