Review of The Falling

The Falling (2014)
This film won't be for everybody but I really enjoyed it
6 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Set in a small all-girl school in 1969, this film is centred on pupil Lydia Lamont who is virtually inseparable from her best friend Abbie Mortimer. Lydia is not too impressed when Abbie announces that she has started having sex. It soon emerges that Abbie is pregnant and the girls discuss what she should do but then Abbie collapses and dies. Not long after that Lydia faints at school; she isn't the last girl to faint; soon most of the pupils are collapsing as well as a young member of staff. The school authorities have no idea what to do; are the girls all faking it? Is it a case of mass hysteria? Or is there a medical cause? While this is going on Lydia starts to explore her own sexuality and ultimately learns why her mother hasn't left the house for sixteen years.

After hearing some very positive reviews I was a little surprised to see the film's low score and poor reviews here… having seen the film I was less surprised. Personally I thought it was really good but can understand why others wouldn't. If you want an explanation for what is going on you will be disappointed. Writer/director Carol Morley does a great job creating a disturbing atmosphere; nothing really scary happens but there is a general sense of unease and a feeling that something could happen. Sixteen year old Maisie Williams does a brilliant job as the troubled Lydia; it helps that she is the same age as her character. The rest of the cast are impressive too; notably Maxine Peake as Lydia's cold, almost indifferent mother. Overall I thought this was something special, one of those films one keeps thinking about after it has finished, so would certainly recommend it to anybody looking for something rather different; it certainly won't be for everybody though.
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