Review of APB

APB (2017)
Interesting Premise...hopefully Fox will give it time to find its stride
9 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
APB approaches crime drama like the first Iron-man dealt with terrorism - mainly, beat it with technology. It's a captivating concept that I think could work well as the show develops, provided that Fox allows it to stick around long enough to actually build on its core premise. Some people have complained that there's too much police violence in a world where the news is saturated with such things, but if you actually look at the events in the show, the officers are using appropriate levels of aggression. SPOILER - "Hitting someone with a police car" - actually, the officer drove the cruiser to block the path of the guy, and he ran into it AFTER it had stopped moving. "Slamming a man's arm in the door of a car" - really??? That hand had a gun in it, and the man was already fleeing from a violent crime-in-progress. APB, if it follows the formula loosely defined by the pilot, will demonstrate that, even with all the high-tech equipment available to the precinct, it still takes actual police officers to get the job done.
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