Sad that it didn't live up to its predecessors
10 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am a HUGE fan of the Udnerworld franchise and have been looking forward to this for so long so I am truly sad that my review is not better than this. Here's what I feel is wrong with this movie.

1. Marius - who is he, where did he come from? The explanation for his power came too late, too little to care and he was not as scary as previous Underworld villains. So is the other vamp chick who is supposed to be power hungry, kind of underwhelming at best.

2. Movie is way too short and too rushed. Everything is introduced too quickly and fits into the puzzle too easily. We have never heard of this Nordic vamps till now. There's no continuity, no cohesion. Its like its trying to bring something new BUT this is no. 5 or no. 6?

3. The white hair vamps. Seriously I thought the elves from LOTR is doing a crossover.

4. Selene went into the water metamorphosis and they didn't even bother to show her experience. Suddenly she's back from the other end of the world so fast and all ready super powered. It doesn't make sense and we don't understand her journey.

5. The CGI is really quite bad.

6. The whole point of the movie is all about finding Eve's blood and they attacked just fine without it. If Eve is not even going to make an appearance then talking about her for more than half a movie just feels like a plot filler.

7. Suddenly that other guy is the heir to the throne. Where did that come from?? I think the writers think this is going to be so cool but not if it likes a pie in the face kind of idea. Shock value goes whoa not huh?

8. Selene was invited to train vamps and I think it barely lasted a few mins of training before the treachery was unearthed. Could they not let the training last maybe a few days before they started juicing her?

9. Semira's right hand man never showed any indication that he might betray her but suddenly he did. Some build up would be great.

10. The elves need more screen time!

Kate Beckinsale and Theo James were still awesome but they could have used some better scenes to instill a better relationship. The movie was fun, entertaining and but it fell flat and it left me feeling all empty inside and for that reason, I am SAD.
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