Review of Puncture

Puncture (2011)
We deserve far more accounts such as these.
4 March 2017
The malfaescence and life v profit accounts that trickle through to the general public are a disgrace, I would surmise we see a mere fraction of what goes on in the corporate world. It makes me sick seeing account after account dragged out and defended to the hilt by billion dollar companies that can afford the slimiest of representation to simply swat away the plethora of complainants with limited resource, but still manage to persevere to see their day in court. I have long since given up on this world, simply existing and wishing no part in this life. However, gems such as this movie reignite the spark of humanity that most of us possess. The film, whilst a sluggish start, keeps building into a damming indictment of greed and corporate America. A world where if you question the power of such companies and their lobbyists you are considered an enemy of the state. I have lost hope for change in my lifetime, but a reset and a global mass rejection of neoliberalism is overdue. A great film to keep reminding us that the enemy is within.
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