The Meddler (2015)
Slow paced, endearing movie of a mom's new chapter in life,,,
2 April 2017
Not sure why all the bad reviews. I mean it's not Oscar worthy, but a sweet simple story of a mom and adult daughter's relationship... really it's more about the mother, trying to rediscover herself after becoming a widow. This charming movie will have you laughing and crying. The pace is slow and simple as we follow along with Marnie as she navigates her new life moving from Jersey to Los Angeles to be closer to her daughter Lori. Lori has her own life problems and is busy with her job, so Marnie begins "meddling" in not only her daughter's life, but friends and even stranger's lives too... but in a really helpful kind way. It's the perfect portrayal of how a mom's unselfishness can seem selfish and annoying till you take a step back and see it from another point of view... if that makes sense. Marnie befriends all kinds of people, helping them out and keeping herself busy, while still mourning her husband who passed a few years earlier. She's like a mom to everyone she meets, while her daughter kind of pushes her away. Marnie just wants to figure out where she belongs and how she fits into this new life. It really made me think about how sometimes we take our mom's for granite and forget to appreciate their unconditional love and think of their sacrifices and feelings too. Sarandon brought an endearing quality to Marnie and I was touched by her warmth and kindheartedness. I think this is a good movie for moms and adult daughters, especially mom's of adult kids/empty-nesters (not so much for the man who doesn't appreciate a chick flick.) Oh, and the reviewers who saw it as tons of product placement/an Apple commercial, I never thought of it as that. I saw it as a newly independent elderly woman trying to figure out the high-tech world we now live in... for those of us who didn't grow up with iPhones and internet, etc. it's a whole new world to explore. 7 stars in My Humble Opinion 4/2017
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