Excellent movie
19 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Finally, I saw this movie for the first time yesterday.

I bet everyone has already seen it, but just in case: Spoilers Below!

I've always heard and read that SILENCE OF THE LAMBS was a great movie, but I'd never seen it. Now I have, and I've learned that it wasn't all hype.

Silence of the Lambs is about an FBI-trainee named Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) who is trying to track down and stop a serial killer named Buffalo Bill (Ted Levine) who has been killing girls throughout the country. In order to do so, she questions Dr. Hannibal Lector (Anthony Hopkins). Dr. Lector is a brilliant physiologist who is a convicted serial killer. He appears polite, but is actually a very dangerous and intelligent psychopath who eats his victims.

I can't express how great I thought this movie was. Just about every scene with Anthony Hopkins was mesmerizing, especially his dialogue with Jodie Foster. The last conversation between the two in this movie was chilling to the bone. Dr. Lector's escape was probably the greatest scene in the movie, while also one of the most disturbing. When he beats a helpless guard to death with a nightstick, it reminds you that he is not the harmless man that he looks like.

Anthony Hopkins, of course, stole the show. He stole every single scene he was in. Jodie Foster did a very good job also as the young, ambitious FBI trainee trying to put an end to another madman's reign and, in doing so, smother the pains of her past. Ted Levine also did a notable job as another very different madman than Lector. I sincerely hated Levine's character by the end of this movie.

There are many memorable scenes in this movie. The prison break, as I mentioned earlier, is one of the more memorable ones. The most intense scene of the movie, in my opinion, is when Jodie Foster is being stalked in the dark near the end of the film. Anytime that Lector talks, you will probably feel shivers up your spine. This is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

If like me, you have not seen it in all these years, do it today. There is a reason this movie is a favorite of many people and crosses many genres.
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