Dear White People (2017–2021)
Surprisingly funny and makes fun of everyone
28 April 2017
Going into this I thought it was just gonna be some cringy show about how annoying white people are, with no depth or comedy. To my surprise it's actually the opposite. The show makes fun of white people and black people. Makes fun of white liberals, white conservative, black liberals, black conservatives, literally EVERYONE. It pokes fun at itself and doesn't take itself too serious and it's actually fun to watch.

The people "boycotting" this or trolling the ratings to this are either trolls, crybabies who think that this is somehow racist to white people, or just people that haven't watched it. Anyone who's offended over this is ridiculous. It's a show that makes fun of race and how stupid both white AND black people can be. Stop whining and watch it for yourself instead of hopping on a hate bandwagon from whiny white men who can't stand to see themselves being made fun of. Everyone gets made fun of, white people are no exception. Lighten the hell up and stop taking everything so seriously. Laugh at yourselves, life's too short not to.
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