Green Room (2015)
Heart-pounding thriller
31 May 2017
Green Room was a white knuckle thrill ride for me. It takes hardly no time to really get started, and once it does the suspense barely lets up. This movie has the perfect cast, superb pacing, and characters you root for. It doesn't rely on gore or jump scares to get your heart pounding (although there are a couple instances where you can't help but be shocked). Each character feels like their own individual and they all seem like real people with genuine reactions to what's happening. This is great film making and I wish Hollywood was more into making movies like this. It was heartbreaking to see Anton Yelchin give such a great performance knowing he's gone; he had such talent and this film proves it. Green Room does an excellent job at making you wonder what's going to happen, who's going to make it out alive, and who is trustworthy. I love movies that use genuine human emotion to involve the viewer, and this is one of those movies.
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