Twin Peaks (2017– )
I love this show, so far. Don't insult me because I do.
31 May 2017
Twin Peaks has finally come back in a different stroke. It blends everything I love about David Lynch and Twin Peaks. The dark humor, bitter realism, creepy surrealism, foreboding atmosphere, and delightful aesthetic of the lighter moments. It excludes the more soap opera and puts down the innocent nature a notch. This exclusion is something I like.

Yes it's confusing in how it's order, and Yes it's slow in the pacing. Some see it as a really negative thing. I and plenty others see it as a puzzle with every frame being a piece. We love it that way. The slow pacing allows for the viewer to take their time on what they are seeing. If you don't like that, that's fine.

This doesn't mean you should insult the people who like it including the makers behind it. Calling us pretentious hipsters and insane is ridiculous. Acting like the world revolves around you. Acting like we're a cult that praises David Lynch like a god. We like/love it, get use to it. Raiding the review section is not helping your case.

At-least be detailed about how bad it is. So far, it's only either insulting the viewers who like it, or Just saying it's bad in one small paragraph.

That's it.

Edit 6/28/17- At first, I debated whether to keep it 10/10 because the show got very cryptic and lacking in context in episodes 5/6. Given recent episodes, episodes 5/6 and before became even better with 7 giving tons of context and made me satisfied with my confusion coupled with already made emotions of the previous episodes. While still giving us new and old mysteries to solve until newer episodes. Episode 8 even gave many origins of the Twin Peaks lore through the brilliant use of emotional driven visual story-telling.

Right now, it more then deserves a 10/10 and deepest place in my heart. Let's see, if it gets better or worse from here. Until then, This show is by-far my favorite show of all time with True Detective below it...for now.
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