Spidey fan here and I HATE THIS SHOW!
7 June 2017
The animation and character design on this show is the worst I have ever seen for spider-man, or any Marvel super-hero for that matter. This kind of animation belongs in the realm of "parody" shows like TEEN TITANS. People act like this is a good show because of XYZ but never mention how awful the animation is? Maybe it's because most people can't draw worth a damn anyway so they are not critical of animation quality and style. Maybe people can't see it because they can't draw a straight line much less a goofy looking spider-kid with an alien head.

The style of this show is so overwhelmingly bad that I can't actually bear to watch it in more than seconds at a time. Spider-man's head is deformed, he looks like an alien should be under the mask.

Let's pretend I wanted this show to happen. Let's pretend I actually asked for this show. I would have to request such a thing like this: "Dear Sony,please make a spider-man cartoon using the cheapest animation style possible, minimalist, and cartoony, and goofy looking. I want it to look like a parody, really kiddie and not serious looking. I want the show to look like a cartoon made for toddlers. I want it too look like comedy show for 3-8 year olds. Also please make spider-man into a child with a skinny body and a big misshaped head like an alien. Make all the characters animated like kimpossible, or other NOT serious shows like that. I really hate realistic animation, and realistic proportions in cartoons. Please make characters unrealistically top heavy with skinny legs and jagged lines for "style". I really like the stylizing of hyper-unrealistic cartoons with big eyes and limited detail. I really hate detail, and shadow, and proportion. Let's just make this like...a kid drew it!!! I want it to look like my 8 year old who is a talented artist drew it! That would be spectacular! Thanks SONY! Here's a big plus for you, it will cost the same to animate this cartoon as it did to produce 5 episodes of the 90's FOX version of Spider-Man. I also like shows like Batman Brave and the Bold, so if this could take some pointers from that minimalist lazy style that would be great" SO there you have it. I would have to request crap in order to get this show made. And I can't imagine it's story is so good that it helps one to over look the abysmal lack of realism and detail (otherwise known as quality).

I am not against low quality animation when it comes to satire, comedy, parody,and jokes. But when it comes to serious stories, with action based characters, involved in life or death stakes, I want it to look realistic like in the majority of comics drawn by Jack Kirby, Todd Macfarlane, and Steve Ditko, John Romita. You know good looking art like in the 90's FOX version.

In my opinion, not being able to see how bad this animation is is like not being able to taste rancid food. It's like not being able to detect when food is spoiled, moldy, rotten, sour, and so bad that it will make you sick.

If you are one of the many people who cannot see how bad this animation is then please realize you lack a visual sensory perception in a part of your brain that cannot detect good from bad quality visual stimulation. Much like some people can't detect certain flavors, odors, colors. You people cannot detect when things look "off" or "unrealistic".

I feel like this show could have been animated as stick figures, or like powder puff girls and not one fan of this show would have felt any differently about it.

To me, cartoons are a visual medium FIRST, and a STORY second. I can't get over bad animation to get to a good story. I also can't let good animation cause me to forgive terrible storytelling (like in Avengers Assemble).

Despite what all the fans of this show think, it was canceled for a REASON. And the fact remains that the longest running Spider-man series is by no coincidence the BEST QUALITY one. And that one is the 90's series that aired on FOX.
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