Review of Life

Life (I) (2017)
Ignore the hate and give it a go!
12 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a loooot of bad reviews for this movie, the primary reason for the hate being that the plot was 'unrealistic' or 'implausible'........ uhm.........what the f**k, haters? If you want to watch a sci-fi alien monster movie that's 'realistic', go watch some NASA documentaries, don't come to the cinemas.

Another reason for all the bad reviews seems to be that it 'tries to imitate Alien but fails'. Well, f**k, then no one else should ever try to make another space monster movie ever! Lets just keep watching the 1979 'Alien' again and again........seriously.....

So, why do i think this movie is so much better than all the negative press it is getting ? Well for a change it's set on the ISS, not a fictional planet or space-ship floating around 100s of light-years away.....(implausible they say). It has people who seem to be astronauts, dealing with a growing life form, rather than space heroes shooting space guns at space monsters (unrealistic, they say). The horror, suspense and intrigue (which critics say stems for unrealistic situations) is in my opinion a near-perfect example of Murphy's law in action. Then, the acting (another prickly point for the critics) is actually very well done given the situations the characters find themselves in. Reynolds, Gylenhaal & Ferguson all deliver solid performances in an era where all the 'acting' talent is reserved for sentimental Oscar-bait movies. As for the plot? strong, fast-paced yet coherent enough for us uninitiated every-day astronauts. And a SOLID twist at the very end.

So, all-in-all, ignore the hate and give this movie a try \m/
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