Review of Jawbone

Jawbone (2017)
A no nonsense film that hits all the marks!
15 June 2017
The story of a man down on his luck is as familiar as it gets. Boxing as a metaphor for human struggle and inner conflict is also very much tried and tested. So for star and writer of this redemption tale, Johnny Harris, to come up with something so endearingly heartfelt is a testament to the mans talent and ability.

I never write about a films plot, I only like to convey a sense of what the experience provided etc. This film will make you feel something; empathy, sadness, hope, pity - all the ingredients of a rock bottom and up film.

Yes, it's a boxing film. But that shouldn't deter viewers who don't enjoy the pugilistic genre or sport itself. This is a brilliantly written, produced and acted film that focuses on one man's incredibly bleak prospects and overcoming the insurmountable he has created for himself. A man who is proud yet lacking dignity and how he turns to the only vestige he knows in order to claw it back.

This is a no nonsense film that ticks every box you could hope for in an indie flick. Expertly directed by Thomas Napper it manages to avoid all the many tropes and hackneyed marks that most boxing films run into and leaves you feeling privileged to have seen it.
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