The House (I) (2017)
Those Professional Movie Critics.....
30 June 2017
The professional movie critics are already attacking 'The House' starring Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler.

I like Will Ferrell because his films no matter how ridiculous and raunchy they are, they have a morale behind them.

Last week, a brilliant poster mentioned how the majority of 'professional' movie critics are a cancer. I'm in complete agreement with this person. I also believe these movie critics are a cancer to all artists. And they're a cancer to the film industry.

TRUTH: Critics kill any joy of those who actually do something. Phil Collins said he was glad to retire because of the music critics. Kevin Durant said sports critics are killing the game. And James Cameron didn't direct for 10 years after Titanic because he was sick of movie critics bashing him.

Everyone knows the story of Herman Melville who died a broken man because the critics savaged his book, "Moby Dick". The book didn't sell well and Melville went bankrupt and spent his last years in a grocery store. True story.

Movie critics are not just a poison, they're very dangerous. I didn't watch Kevin Costner's 'The Postman' for YEARS because the movie critics said it was utterly horrible. However, after watching the film, I was shocked at how good the film was. I almost missed out on watching a great film because again I listened to these loser critics.

I almost didn't watch 'Hidden Figures' because another critic savaged the movie as 'unwatchable'.

What is going on?

Like the previous poster said, "Movie critics have never written, directed, acted, or produced a film in their entire lives. They're just losers who wish they could be filmmakers."

So this is the essence then of today's movie criticism. It's useless. Pointless. Fake News. One critic admitted he would never give Paramount good reviews because Paramount wouldn't read his script.

So what can we do about this? What can movie fans and those artists (and crew members) in the film industry do? FIGHT BACK. Let's 'out' these critics by name in public forums like ''; '' '' - the critics will see their name smeared on Page 1 of Google the same way they smear filmmakers. Give them a taste of their own medicine.


I give 'The House' a 7 out of 10. I like the originality and I like Will Ferrell as a comedian/actor.
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