Below Deck (2013– )
Strangely Captivating and Addicting
23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who is not able to enjoy a vacation this summer, I have turned to "Below Deck" as well as "Below Deck Mediterranean" as the opportunity to witness blue, inviting oceans and all sets of fun water toys as well as foreign lands that I have never seen. Something about watching the sea every day soothes my hot soul and helps me plan for summers ahead in which I will be the participant in the cool, delicious ocean play.

The show portrays how difficult it is for responsible, intelligent bosses to handle drunk, immature and spoiled crew beneath them. In the first season we have a determined but somewhat gentle chief stew named Adreienne trying her hardest to motivate the spoiled, presumptuous Sam (a young lady) who refuses to show the slightest hint of responsibility or self awareness. Sam smirks and challenges every single instruction or order given to her by her boss and spends the entire season acting as cruel and unfair as she can, siding up with her drunk 2nd drunk stew, Kat, against Adrienne. If you are watching the show hoping to find any self awareness or moment of mea culpa coming from either party, forget all about that. Only Kat admits the truth about herself after the show is over. We never get any apology from Sam, but hopefully someday she will privately apologize to her tormented supervisor.

In the third season, a bi-polar or hard case ADD personality who self identifies as a dolphin throws the color and frustration into the charter season. Her mood swings jump higher than a dolphin zig zagging through the waves and at one point she actually jumps ship and swims away from the boat as fast and strong as an escaped Orca from Marine World. Clearly she is not equipped to live with and work alongside humans, but her insane antics and personality hold attention to the show. I feel bad for her exploitation however, as surely the producers have no compunction placing a head case such as hers alongside reasonable people for all the world to see.

The highlights are the captain, ever so reasonable, handsome and experienced, and Ben with his deep voice, dry wit and skilled hands in the kitchen. I'm watching season 2 right now and enjoying every minute of it!

I suggest you check out these shows and see if they appeal to you! Certainly a cut above the bickering of the Housewives franchise and in this case the beautiful blue seas of the Caribbean and Mediterranean are showcased, along with fun and upbeat music.
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