Insecure (2016–2021)
31 July 2017
"Insecure' is exactly what the title means a show full of insignificant or irrelevant relationships or lack of finding a true love. This acting is getting boring because the typical everyday life of both women Issa and Molly. No way this show speaks on behalf of all black women because it seems to be an atypical versus untypical show. In other words, the show just appears to go in circles. I keep trying to get into the show even reviewing Episodes from Season One and newest scenes from Season Two but nothing has changed. Its the same scenes like going to night clubs, brunch, or stalking an ex-boyfriend's girlfriend. For Season Two, it seems that the producers changed the scene to display a bar-b-que, but please create something that is uncommon. Soo far it's the same scenario a black woman is still roaming around searching for Mr. Right being Issa and Molly still is an executive. It would be nice if this show could advance on opening doors for other characters like new neighbors. I will watch the new episode that airs Sunday.
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