What if Batman the animated series was a raunchy comedy?
21 August 2017
So when I went into this movie I was already going in with the expectation to pretty much despise it. I didn't like the Killing Joke and my faith in Bruce Timm was really beginning to weaken. So it comes as a shock to me when I did finally watch it that I kinda had fun with this.

No this is not the serious return to the world of Batman the animated series I wanted, but instead this feels more like a what if scenario. This movie is a comedy through and through. And it watches as one. It takes a minute for it to click though that you are really watching one and if you don't see it as one your probably going to call it a guilty pleasure. The film is riddled with nothing but dick jokes and crude and unusual humor too. Not all the jokes really hit, but the few that do really work.

I also must speak about the voice cast in this movie. And more specifically I want to talk about Harley Quinn's va known as Melissa Raunch whose entire casting should have signaled that this wasn't a movie to take seriously. Melissa gives a very fun performance in the movie and one that if she wasn't the voice I don't think this movie could of worked as well. She made the movie a lot more enjoyable for me. There is this song in the movie Harley has to sing and it really is just amazing and was probably my favorite part of the entire movie.

In fact the entire bar scene in the film was just amazing to watch. I t really was probably my favorite part of the film and was really when the film started to click with me.

I also couldn't not talk about this film without talking about the Nightwing x Harley scene. If Im being completely honest this scene worked for me weirdly enough. I thought it made sense for each of these characters and the situation they were in at the time. And it really just added on a new layer to the film as a whole.

Much like any comedy the plot is really just a background layer that is just there to keep things moving and doesn't have any real substance beyond that fact.

Overall this film really was a bit of a pleasant surprise. Was it silly? Yea. Was it kinda dumb? Yea. But I had defiantly had some fun with it which I didn't expect too.
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