The State (2017– )
21 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a story of 4 travellers ( Brits ) who go out to Syria starry eyed and of their adventures there. They of course have a view of the New Dawn and the regimentation and discipline is applied pretty quickly. It is extremely well acted and it is difficult to know if the characters have insight into the measures that are taken to isolate them. As it is British - irony is used as a part of the drama - one girl comments in Arabic "She can't read the Qoran and she is telling me how to behave." The British doctor I particularly identified with - as my mother had stories of faceless bureaucracy ( in the program's case po-faced Arab bureaucracy ) saying 'no' when clearly the answer is 'yes, we need all the help we can get' The bombing of the neonatal unit is particularly well done

a very powerful program showing how supposedly educated Brits are led to the slaughter like willing sheep
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