A worthy sequel
1 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The new adventures of He-man was a better sequel to the original series then She-Ra as it was done not purely for commerce but for television art and certainly the final seal on the He-man legacy compared to the banal 2000 revival when the era of He-man was long over. The series has its good points and its bad points which I will explain along with my final verdict.

The Good

The story lines lines in the original were excellent but told with simplicity and naivety this series avoids that dual approach and makes the story lines more complicated within the same theme without being wooden. The character of Adam is mature and one that is realistic as a young prince rather then a young imbecile and is better represented in appearance though the long hair from the original is better both for the prince and his alter ego He-man. The original allies of He-man are also better represented both as animation and as characters. The annoying pet Tiger from the series is gone reinforcing these strengths and He-man has more abilities with his sword as well as his original strengths of speed and strength.

The Bad

Unlike He-man and his alter ego Skeletor in the original series was better both as a character and the way he was represented especially his mannerisms, appearance and voice this Skeletor has no charm this goes beyond Skeletor to his new followers as his minions in the original all had the charm and attraction he had. The adventures are all set in space and in the future not in different parts of the galaxies were He-man always travelled allowing for different adventures. The animation but not representation is better when done in Manga opposed to the hastened and rough original in Filmation but was done with anime making it more like Star Wars rather then He-man the Japanese style of animation in Thundercats would of been better the transformation scenes are less dramatic and this looses the charm from the original series.

In short a noble series and one that makes up for the weaknesses of the original and its excess sequels but however lacks its charm.
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