Review of Easy

Easy (2016–2019)
A Man who loves laughing at life's commonalities
5 September 2017
I am sitting there, minding my own business, and this random show pops up.

This show is great. Anyone who has been in a relationship and lived with their spouse for more than 5 years will understand this show. It doesn't all have to do with love and the functions of a everyday relationship; However, there are 'thesis statements' to every episode that you will miss if you haven't gone through your own version of the experience being acted out through the show(what....).It's got a lot of very captivating scenes where you understand the exact moment because you can put yourself in the shoes of the actor(s).

TV shows now-a-days are filled with intense/in your face drama. We got dragons, trump (ha! Autocorrect didn't capitalize it), music producers fighting with each other, you name it. I just like seeing more sincere/genuine scenes. I don't need heart clenching drama or suspense. I appreciate good 'ol painful life moments, the stuff I have laughed at myself for later on, get placed on my TV screen (computer screen, you get the gist).

This show is boring for a lot of people, from what I see for the reviews. It's not gonna be your "13 reasons why" replacement, it will be over before you realize it, and you will be off to another show.

Good night, and good luck.
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