Mother! (2017)
If there is a movie theater in hell, this is playing there
21 September 2017
I have been going to the movies for 45 years. This is, hands down, the worst movie I have ever seen. I mean, I hated this movie. Plan 9 From Outer Space and The Room were at least entertaining. This is like being locked in a cell with a stoned college student who can't shut up and thinks that every opinion they have, is the final word on a subject for 2 hours. Jennifer Lawrence should stick to roles that require her to paint herself blue or shoot arrows. Darren Aronofsky wants to be Luis Buñuel but he's closer to Uwe Boll. He cites The Exterminating Angel as the inspiration for Mother! I agree, in the sense that I did feel like one of the dinner guests who can't leave in Buñuel's classic during the course of watching Mother after paying 13 bucks to see this pretentious, heavy handed waste of time. Do yourself a favor, don't go see this movie, you won't get the 2 hours of your life back if you do. When it shows up on The Movie Channel playing at 3 in the morning in a couple of months, don't even set your DVR to record it. There are infomercials about gardening tools on at the same time, that are much more entertaining to watch that this.
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