Batman and Harley Quinn: Like a yummy bag of nuts, with some sprouts mixed in
28 October 2017
With the new mainstream popularity of Harley Quinn it was inevitable they were going to cash in, and with the forthcoming movie coming out were teased a future Quinn/Ivy team up with this animated DC venture.

Immediately I was struck with the inconsistency of the tone, it looks and sounds like the old Batman animated series but blood, swearing and over sexualisation of Quinn was present. But then the opening credits was like a Pink Panther movie, half the sequences were camp comedy and the whole thing felt like the original series on acid.

That's not saying it wasn't watchable, but its like that Family Guy/Simpsons crossover. It was like a Simpsons episode, with blood violence and rape jokes. Something about it just felt wrong.

Batman and Harley Quinn is a Saturday Morning cartoon with content thrown into keep adults entertained and they've been doing that a lot lately. What with Batman sleeping with Batgirl in the huge letdown that was Killing Joke (2016), Deadshot hooking up with Killer Frost in Assault On Arkham (2014) and here we have another such encounter.

Due to the mixed tone I really didn't enjoy this as much as I wanted to. It was like mixing the Adam West series with the Nolan Franchise and blending it with the animated TV show.

The Good:

Great voice work

Nice to see old school Harley Quinn again

The Bad:

Inconsistent tone

Most jokes fall flat

Ridiculous opening credits
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